When the KGB can break down your door

On the national legal internet portal, a bill has been published, amending the law "About the organs of state security of the Republic of Belarus", which gives the KGB and its staff emergency powers.
The bill has been submitted to Parliament for consideration and there is no doubt that it will be adopted in the coming days with almost no changes – if it has not already been approved without the knowledge of the media and society, as now has become customary in our state.
In accordance with amendments to the law on KGB bodies, its officers will receive the right:
– To search you during detention and seize documents, objects and things that they think may be material evidence;
– To enter into your flat or house, breaking down the door to do this, at any time of day (unless you have the status of a diplomat), as soon as it is decided that an offence is being or has been committed, or that a person is there, hiding from the authorities conducting a criminal investigation;
– To take away temporarily your car or another means of transport, when it is necessary to prevent crime, pursue someone or take someone who is suspected of committing a crime;
– To use physical force, special means, weapons, military and special equipment against you, “based on the prevailing situation,” of course, within the framework of the law, and without warning (“in cases where delay would create an imminent danger to life or may cause other serious consequences”). At the same time an operative of the KGB will not be liable to you for damages if “non-violent methods did not guarantee the performance of official duties”;
– Put handcuffs on you and use rubber batons, tie you up, use special chemicals, other special devices and guard dogs, if you refuse to obey the requirements of persons performing official duties or even civil duty to maintain public order.