
‘Last dictator’ caught between east and west

Alexander Lukashenko, the president of Belarus, revels in his notoriety. Lucky are those, he says with a smile, who get to meet and sit down at a table with “the last dictator in Europe”. It is a sign of the 54-year-old Belarusan leader’s defiance of western political rules that he is ready to turn this epithet into a joke. It is also a measure of his confidence. After 14 years in power, he faces few internal challenges, in spite of a parliamentary election due at the end of the month.

Candidates for “members of parliament” brutally beaten up in Minsk

On September 16, on the Day of Solidarity, a rally dedicated to the anniversary of abduction of opposition leaders Viktar Hanchar and Anatol Krasouski was disbanded. Riot policemen have brutally beaten up the candidate for “parliament” “deputies”, including the leader of the United Democratic Party Anatol Lyabedzka, a deputy chairman of the Belarusian Popular Front Party Vintsuk Vyachorka and his son, a youth leader Franak Vyachorka and others. Riot policemen tore European and national flags.