Andrei Sannikov has begun to learn details of his case

Former presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov, accused of organizing riots on 19 December in Minsk, has started to familiarise himself with the criminal case; the lawyer of A. Sannikov, Marina Kovalevskaya, has communicated this to the agency “Interfax West”.
“Today we began to learn details of the criminal case,” said the lawyer. At the same time, she clarified that according to procedure, the time granted to the accused to familiarise himself with the case is up to a month.
“Andrei Olegovich feels reasonably well”, said M. Kovalevskaya.
She also clarified that the defence had not yet received a response from the investigation concerning her application to dismiss a criminal prosecution against A. Sannikov and release him.
A. Sannikov has been charged under Part 1 and Part 2 of Art. 293 of the Criminal Code of Belarus (organization and participation in riots). The penalty under this article provides for up to 15 years imprisonment.
Regarding the ex-candidates Vladimir Neklyaev and Vitalii Rymashevskii, they have been prosecuted under Article 342 of the Criminal Code of Belarus: “organization and preparation of actions which breach public order, or active participation in them”. The penalty under this article is much milder: from a fine up to three years imprisonment.