More than 20 activists of the civil campaign “European Belarus” were detained near the National library in Minsk, where the official trade union celebrated May Day. Among the detained are Zmitser Barodka, Yauhen Afnahel, Andrei Babitski, the Young Front leaders Zmitser Dashkevich, Artur Finkevich, Zmitser Khvedaruk, and chairman of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Narodnaya Hramada) Mikola Statkevich.
Mikola Statkevich called to celebrate May Day in a dignified way
One of the leaders of the civil campaign “European Belarus”, the chairman of the “Narodnaya Hramada” Mikola Statkevich calls upon people to take part in a European May Day meeting.
Struggle for political prisoners release goes on
Banners demanding to release political prisoners appear in Minsk almost every day.
Andrei Sannikov: “Actions of some European officials lead to increase of repressions in Belarus”
Right after sentencing Belarusian oppositionists Andrei Kim and Syarhei Parsyukevich to long terms of imprisonment, Minsk was visited by Secretary General of the European Commission for Democracy through Law, better known as the Venice Commission (the Council of Europe’s advisory body) Gianni Buquicchio.
Actions demanding to release political prisoners immediately took place in Minsk
Actions of solidarity with political prisoners Syarhei Parsyukevich, Andrei Kim and Alyaksandr Kazulin as well as with others convicted oppositionists at the trial of 14 were held yesterday in Minsk by activists of the civil campaign “European Belarus.”
Tatsyana Tsishkevich: «I have gone through hardening by riot policemen’s truncheons and cells in Akrestsin Street detention center”
Tatsyana Tsishkevich: «I have gone through hardening by riot policemen’s truncheons and cells in Akrestsin Street detention center”. An activist of the civil campaign “European Belarus” Tatsyana Tsishkevich together with other participants of the Process of Fourteen has been sentenced to 2 years of correctional labour.
Alyaksandr Atroshchankau released
An activist of the civil campaign “European Belarus” Alyaksandr Atroshchankau has been released from the court of Tsentralny district of Minsk after a report was drawn up against him for an administrative violation.
Alyaksandr Atroshchankau arrested in Tsentralny court
An activist of the civil campaign “European Belarus” Alyaksandr Atroshchankau has been detained in the court room of Tsentralny district of Minsk where the trial over participants of the protest rally of entrepreneurs took place.
“European Belarus” is freedom and well-being for everyone
A streamer with such a slogan emerged at a bridge in the center of Minsk. The action was held by activists of a civil campaign “European Belarus”.
People in Minsk demanded freedom for political prisoners
Actions demanding to release political prisoners were held by activists of the civil campaign “European Belarus” in Kastrychnitski and Maskouski districts of Minsk on 20 April.